The Arthouse Oasis News

Oil Painting Workshop in Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire


Learn to paint in the style of the Old Masters.

In this 4 part course we’ll be learning about oils and how they differ from other mediums. We’ll also be learning to paint in the style of the Old Masters, using lots of amazing techniques. This experience is split into multiple sessions because each layer will need to dry before moving onto the next.

The Course is split up as follows:

Week 1 – Oil Underpainting
Week 2 – Cool Transparent Oil Layers
Week 3 – Warm Transparent Oil Layers
Week 4 – Opaques Oil Layers
Optional Session – Oil Pastel Detailing

All sessions between 2-3hrs.

Total Cost: £175. (Works out at approx £15 per hour, and all materials and refreshments are included).

Some painting experience is helpful but not essential.


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