Oil Portrait Painting Commissions

Oil Painting Portrait Commissions now Open.

I offer a personalised oil portrait painting service. For now the focus is on solo faces but I may be expanding into scenes and family portraits, we’ll see how things go!

How does it work?

Firstly we would have an indepth conversation about your requirements. We’d talk about the photo that I would be using as reference. We would then discuss what size painting you are looking for.

Once the photo reference has been decided on and the project has been given the go ahead, an invoice will be generated for half of the amount agreed. Once payment is made then painting can begin.

How long does it take?

Painting time is usually between 10-15 hours. This will be spread over a number of weeks as layers will need to dry before further layers are added. Once the painting is finished, it does then take many months to cure. However, it can be handed over once touch dry and you can keep it in your home with instructions on how to let it cure whilst still displaying it on your wall.

How much does it cost?

Pricing will be determined by the subject matter and the size of painting. For example, the portraits you can see here are painted onto canvas size 51cm x 40cm. The painting time for this kind of portrait is between 10-15 hours and the cost is £300. The final invoice is payable upon collection or delivery.

So if you want to chat about portrait painting options then please do email me, I’d love to hear from you.